Welcome to our FAQ section

Do you have any questions? We've got the answers! Our FAQ is designed to help you quickly obtain information about our products, services and policies. Whether you'd like to know more about delivery options, return policy, how to use our products, or simply get tips for an optimal experience, here you'll find answers to the questions most frequently asked by our community. If your question is not among those listed, please do not hesitate to contact us directly for assistance.

1What types of products do you offer?
Karamat Collection offers a wide range of products including home fragrances, scented cosmetics and body care. Each product is designed to bring a touch of luxury and well-being to your everyday life.
2Are your products suitable for sensitive skin?
Absolutely. Our cosmetics and body care products are formulated with high-quality ingredients chosen for their compatibility with sensitive skin. We are committed to offering gentle yet effective products.
3Where do the ingredients in your products come from?
100% MADE IN FRANCE / 100% MADE IN UK. At Karamat Collection, we pay particular attention to the selection of our raw materials, taking care to choose only those of the highest quality. We work closely with the best noses in the perfume world, who are integrated directly into our production process to ensure that each product achieves an unprecedented level of excellence. Our carefully selected raw materials meet our high quality standards, respect the environment and are derived from sustainable practices. This approach not only enriches the aroma of our products, it also reinforces our commitment to protecting and enhancing natural resources.
4Do your products comply with IFRA standards?
Yes, all our fragrances and scented products are formulated in compliance with the guidelines of the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). IFRA sets international standards for the safe and environmentally friendly use of fragrance ingredients. By adhering to these standards, we ensure that our products are safe for consumers, while preserving the quality and integrity of our compositions.
5Do your products contain parabens or sulfates?
We are committed to offering healthy and safe products. As a result, our formulas are free from parabens, sulfates and other potentially irritating or harmful agents. We prefer mild preservatives and surfactants approved for their efficacy and safety.
6How can I find out which product is best suited to my needs?
We offer detailed descriptions for each of our products on our website. For personalized advice, don't hesitate to contact our customer service team, who will be delighted to help you choose the perfect product for you.
7Are Karamat Collection products available internationally?
Yes, we ship our products to many countries around the world. Details of delivery options are available during the order process and in our delivery information section.
8Are your products tested on animals?
No, Karamat Collection is committed to not testing all our products on animals. We adhere to strict animal welfare ethics and use alternative methods to ensure the safety and efficacy of our products.
9Is your product packaging environmentally friendly?
Yes, we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact. Our packaging is designed to be as environmentally friendly as possible, using recyclable materials and minimizing the use of plastics. We continue to seek innovative solutions to further improve these practices.
10How can I find out about Karamat Collection news and special offers?
To keep up to date with our latest creations and promotions, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter. You can also follow us on our social networks, where we regularly share information and news about our products.
11Do you offer customization services for corporate or individual projects?
Absolutely. At Karamat Collection, we're delighted to offer customization services to meet specific needs, whether for corporate gifts, special events, or individual personalized projects. We work closely with our customers to develop unique products that perfectly match their needs and expectations. Whether you want to customize fragrances, packaging, or even create an entirely bespoke product, our team is on hand to make your vision a reality.